Danjoo is part of the Aboriginal Business Directory WA

We are pleased to announce that Danjoo Business Solutions is certified and included in the listing for the Aboriginal Business Directory WA. 

We are proud to obtain this certification, which involves a detailed and involved selection criteria process, including:

  • be established and fully operational;
  • be registered as a business in WA;
  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN);
  • be at least 50 per cent owned by an Aboriginal interest; and
  • the Aboriginal interests are represented in the management and operations of the entity.

About the Aboriginal Business Directory WA

An increasing number of State Government and private organisations are looking to work with Aboriginal businesses. 

This directory is a free service which brings together Aboriginal businesses operating in Western Australia with potential buyers. 

As a business owner, Danjoo is able to list our details in the directory and take advantage of the free promotion and increased exposure to our potential customers. 

If you are a buyer in search of goods or services supplied by an Aboriginal business, this is the place to start your search. 

Background to the Aboriginal Business Directory WA logo and artwork

The Aboriginal Business Directory WA logo was inspired by the artwork Kangaroo Travelling by Deborah Coertse (also known as Deborah Newenham). Deborah was born in Fremantle Western Australia to an Aboriginal mother and Dutch father. 

She began painting in 1994 and has since sold numerous pieces of original artwork. Deborah now runs Yirra-Kurl, her own successful business where she designs, manufactures and wholesales her artwork to the tourist market. 

Deborah's paintings depict her interpretation of life and all things living. Her bright and colorful designs have become a distinctive feature of Yirra-Kurl products.

For more information

For more information about this great listing and service, please visit: https://abdwa.icn.org.au/